It’s hard to disagree with the opening sentences of Nicholas Kristoff’s piece Forget the Yacht. The Best Travel Is on Foot, Through Wilderness:
Some think that the best thing about America is its wealth, technology and modernity. Others point to its Democratic institutions. But I’m with the writer Wallace Stegner that America’s “best idea” is our spectacular inheritance of public lands — purple mountain majesties — amounting to about 40 percent of our nation. As Stegner said of our national parks: “Absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best.”
Badlands National Park, On This Day in 2022.
Badlands National Park, On This Day in 2022.
Faces in the mountain - On This Day in 2022
A couple videos of the bison herd at South Dakota’s Custer State Park from our last visit, On This Day in 2022.
I wrote a post about being the “smallest house on the block” in your friends group, a concept I’ve been thinking about recently. It’s something that I think makes sense to occasionally take a look at, just to ensure there isn’t an excessive imbalance.
Our latest post about our upcoming 100-day trip around the world: Exhausted with Trip Planning. Don’t get me started on the crazy number (and cost) of vaccinations we need for this trip.
On This Day in 2017, we trekked to the University of Chicago to visit the original location of what was called “Chicago Pile-1,” the first self-sustaining nuclear reaction, improbably taking place under the bleachers at Stagg Field.
The view of a (nearly) full moon paddle from On This Day in 2020. I’m heading out for another one tonight, though it’s going to be more of a “moonless” paddle tonight.
On This Day in 2017, I visited Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore in Michigan.
On This Day in 2022, I met up with a social media friend at the International Peace Garden, which straddles the US-Canada border.
I wrote a short post about the visit:…
On This Day in 2022, I met up with a social media friend at the International Peace Garden, which straddles the US-Canada border.
August 2024 in 10 Photos
I saw this post by Matthew Haughey and liked the idea, so here’s 10 photos from August 2024. You may also be interested in my recaps of the month: Mid August recap and End of August recap.
At Sun Devil Stadium after ASU’s 48-7 victory. It’s my 38th year as a season ticket holder. Jen has been joining me at the games since 2016, and I believe my bestie Becci has sat with me since 2010ish.
With my mom and her new (to her) Nissan Kicks after she drove it home for the first time. Thank goodness she finally has wheels again; she’s been without transportation for ten weeks after a vehicle ran a red light and totaled her old vehicle.
An art piece at the Art Museum on campus in Tucson. I grabbed a free admission Culture Pass from the Phoenix Public Library and finally marked it off my list.
A view from the Catalina Highway, in the Coronado National Forest near Tucson. I grew up at the mouth of one of the canyons in this shot. I made stops at my old house and school.
The Gordon Hirabayashi Recreation Site off the Catalina Highway. This was once a “Federal Honor Camp” (aka prison camp) for various offenders, most notably Gordon Hirabayashi, who was confined there after refusing to admit himself to a Japanese Internment Camp during WWII. His conviction was ultimately overturned in the 1980s and the federal government finally apologized for that whole unAmerican episode.
My wife spent much of the month working in Tucson, so I’ve gone down to keep her company after work. We’ve been trying to hit some classic Tucson restaurants. On this night, we went to my parents’ favorite restaurant back in the day: the entirely kitschy Pinnacle Peak Steakhouse.
We’ve had to file several documents with the Maricopa County Recorders Office, and we really enjoyed using this video service kiosk at the local library. Super convenient, but also feels a bit weird to file important documents at the library.
Another classic Tucson restaurant, often described as the original home of the chimichanga.
I had to get two old crowns replaced in August. This is a 3D image of all of my teeth that they used to make the new crowns. Man, that’s so much better than those awful goopy trays they used for impressions.
My buddy moved to Denver, so we had one last hurrah at our old local watering hole, Paradise Lounge. Man, we created so many crazy memories at that dive bar, back when we were young enough to get away with a long night of drinking.
I wrote a bit about the important role that humor played in securing better health care for my dad.
I was pretty happy to get my End of August 2024 recap written ahead of schedule last week—and then promptly forgot to publish until today. 🤦♂️
On This Day in 2017, I was able to “summit” Charles Mount, the highest point in Illinois. So far, it’s been the hardest one to mark off my travel quest to visit the High Points of Otherwise Flat States because it’s on private land and only open to the public on four weekends each summer.
I posted about the one feature I really wish Mastodon had.
An audio version of my blog
I bought a microphone back before the pandemic, with the idea that I wanted to publish a semi-regular audio update on my life for my friends (I’ll write more about that soon). I also wanted to audio-ify select blog posts, mostly for the convenience of others.
Well, I finally gave the latter a (very quick) initial shot. I’m out of town this week, and still need to find a suitable podcast recording app (send me suggestions!), but was able to record a single audio take on my last blog post, entitled I hate telling friends how I’m doing. I hooked up the mic for the first time, opened a voice recorder app, hit the record button and started reading. I didn’t practice reading it aloud first (oh man, I haven’t done this in ages). Had I not been under time pressure, I would have made it better. But after seeing the mic sitting there for too long, I decided I had to post something before I left the house, no matter what it was like.
Anyway, it should be accessible via an audio player here on this post. If it’s not, I’ll have to deal with that later, as I’m off for some sightseeing. I’m still deciding how this should all work, whether it should remain here at, or if I should put it alongside my main blog at More info soon.
For the last five years, I sorta hated to answer the question “How is it going?”
And now that things have changed, it’s still a bit of a struggle to answer it—but for the entirely opposite reason.
Three years ago today, I enjoyed this Grand Canyon sunset with friends. I had organized what I called Matt-Fest and invited several Matts I knew for a weekend of camping + competitions to determine who was The Matt-est of Them All™️. Sadly, we postponed the games due to too many late cancellations.