Remember when Japan bombed Nebraska during WWII? You Don’t?
Well, On This Day in 2021, we visited the site where it happened.…
My buddy Mikah’s short film “Canyon Chorus” is playing at the Flagstaff Film Festival in September, and he’ll be there to speak live, too. You can also watch it on his website.
On This Day in 2021, I visited the shack and farm of Aldo Leopold—one of America’s greatest figures, whose ideas helped change the way we view the natural environment and preserving America’s natural heritage.
This place officially socks (OTD in 2008)
![Highway sign that reads Fort Payne: official sock capital of the world](
Dells of Eau Claire Park - #OTD 2021
![Craggy rocks with a small river flowing thru, with trees and sunset in background](
This is the first Smokey Bear mask, which now resides in the quaint public library of Mercer, Wisconsin - #OnThisDay in 2021
Enjoy the North #OnThisDay in 2021
![Paul Bunyan’s Cook Shanty](
I wrote a bit about The Two Futures of Social Media: as social media fractures, two distinct futures are unfolding—two entirely different ways to participate socially online, a fundamental divide between viral entertainment and personal community.
The Birthplace of Professional Hockey (Houghton, MI)
#OnThisDay in 2021
Awww Shute, it’s closed. #OnThisDay in 2021
Here’s a different perspective of Arch Rock on Mackinac Island. #OnThisDay in 2021
Arch Rock—the main attraction in Mackinac National Park, America’s second (forgotten) National Park after Yellowstone. #OnThisDay in 2021
It doesn’t look like much, but this marker—located in a headwater swamp in Arkansas, of all places—preserves the initial point from which all surveys of property acquired from the Louisiana Purchase originated.
We visited it OTD in 2008 on a whim; I really need to write more about that experience.
One of my favorite roadtrip apps is Roadside America, which lists weird roadside attractions. An earlier version of the app included a fun feature: a fake “call” set by a timer to help give you an excuse to leave an awkward or excessively long conversation at an attraction, which I used OTD in 2012.
I don’t believe you. #OTD 2008
Adventure ahead #OTD 2015
A Sense of Belonging. A lovely little post by on how he’s rooted himself to San Diego County.
I’ve “grown roots” here also through the connection with the landscape, the chaparral ecosystem, and its plants.
These are the people who think the best things that have happened over the last fifteen years have come out of Silicon Valley, even though virtually all of those things are not profitable and have come with major downsides.
Local mascot poses for tourist photos. OTD 2007
But…that’s a name.