Are there any travel blogs here on MB? Looking for some blogging inspiration…

One year ago today, we visited this seemingly mundane rear parking lot in Laramie, Wyoming.

Why? Because on Sep 6, 1870, in the rough vicinity of this parked truck, Louisa Swain became the nation’s first woman voter, enjoying newly-won rights of political equality for women in the Wyoming Territory.

Chevy truck parked in a parking lot with other vehicles behind a building painted with large colorful mural.

Missouri State Capitol (#OTD 2021)

I visited some forks on this day three years ago.

This is NOT the spirit of true twineballing 🧶 (OTD in 2021)

Following the lead of several others, I wrote about the 15 Books that Most Impacted Me. What an interesting self-reflective exercise—you should do the same (ping me when you do).


Heavily eroded hillside, deep incising cuts in a very reddish comglamerate.

I ran into this guy near Castle Hot Springs on this day nine years ago. He seemed like a real ass.

“Wild” burro meandering down a desert wash with a low mountain in the background.

Seventeen years ago today, I visited the remains of my first WWII Japanese internment camp—Minidoka in Idaho—a decade or so we decided to visit them all.…

Ruins of a stone fireplace, surrounded by a low wall

Twelve years ago today, a pensive marmot and I enjoyed this vista in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Marmot looking off a steep slope towards a mountain in the distance.

I wrote a bit about why I don’t delete a bunch of my “throwaway” photos: In Defense of Not Deleting Photos.


Rundown building with painted sign that reads “We fix everything from daybreak to heartbreak”

I wrote this piece for a magazine that doesn’t seem to be around anymore, so I’m republishing it:…

“I think that’s why I treasure this place so much. Every time I visit, I can relive that childhood sense of wonder at what might lie over there—whether “over there” refers to a cluster of ruins at the canyon’s edge, or just a mundane pile of rocks in the distance. …a place that’s meant to be explored and investigated, not a place to blandly stroll from interpretative marker to interpretative marker.”

In 2012, I was headed to a family reunion outside of Denver, but instead decided to fly to KC and then drive across Kansas to get there. I could hit some national park units on the way, and maybe(🤷‍♂️) there would be something interesting to see in the state?

It was an unexpected blast. I wrote a bit about it at Roadside Oddities of the Prairielands.

And here is a short video, taken on this day in 2012, that helped spark things as well.

We visited the Atomic Legacy Cabin in Grand Junction five yrs ago today, as part of our quest to visit the major sites of the Manhattan Project. This office was home to the Colorado Raw Materials Office, which refined uranium mined in the region comprising ~15% of the total uranium concentrate used.

Wooden cabin with a modern sign that reads Atomic Heritage Cabin.

The Gunnison River in Colorado, on this day in 2019.

High desert river with nice clouds looking towards sloping valley

Five years ago today, I enjoyed #FootPathFriday with some new friends.

Fremont Culture petroglyph on a rock face on the left with a great view of a valley to the right. Dinosaur National Monument, Utah side.

in 2018, I rode a sidecar all the way to the Republic of Molossia. Quite the journey.

Sadly, we didn’t have an appointment and the entire nation was not home to greet us

Ran across this six years ago today near Virginia City, Nevada. And I am still confused.

Outdoor art piece of a gorup of people dragging an upside down church. Or something like that, I’m still a bit confused.

Thanks for the postcard, @Pmount. Funny that we just missed ya!