It's pretty hard to lose the trail on the way to Pelican Beach in .

It’s not a blog per se, but my buddy (and Podcast Hall of Famer) Evo personally curates a great list of audio fiction podcasts that have recently aired a season or series finale. So this is a list that highlights completed stories you can binge all the way through.

Today’s addition to #Junited2024

Ten photos from last night’s sunset paddle down the Lower Salt River.

I get a fraction of the robocalls + confirmation text msgs since my dad died. It’s crazy how often my phone would buzz with some sort of medical appointment reminder or notification—just a constant unending barrage. I also had no fewer than nine different medical portals I had to manage. That sucked

Backcountry badassery, or an immersive experience?

This has been one of the most cited posts on my website since I published it in 2017. And the older I’ve gotten, the more I find myself focusing more on the journey and less about the outcome. If you’ve ever asked me about how long it takes to complete a specific trail, you’ve probably gotten a shortened version of this post.

#outdoors #hiking #backpacking #trailrunning #NationalParks

I’m finally getting out on the river tonight for a sunset paddle, the first one of the season. Here are a couple shots from this day two years ago, when I did a full moon paddle with my friend Brittany.

Chances are good that Lou Plummer has already left a nice comment on your blog post, or directed you to a useful app he’s used, or written a story about his own life that resonated with you. He recently wrote a line about intentionally trying to spread some good vibes, and man, that’s exactly what he does every day here on the personal web. #Junited2024

Some People with Insomnia Think They’re Awake when They’re Asleep

Up All Night? You May Have Actually Been Asleep. You say you haven’t slept all night. Brain scans say you have. New science says both inferences may be right

This is absolutely me. I’m up the entire damn night and my Apple Watch claims I slept three hours.

Four years ago today, we camped on the Mogollon Rim and enjoyed this interesting sunset, fueled in part by wildfire smoke. #camping #sunset #arizona provided an interesting glimpse into life in Antarctica. #Junited2024

Two years ago today, I bought my first house!

Oddly, it’s in a retirement community, I’m too young to live there, and we’re barred from renting the place out.

But it’s still been great! We bought it—in our names—for my mom. She sold her old house and gifted us the proceeds, which we use it to pay for this new house where she now lives. Her life has vastly improved since then—a better house to age in, way more friends, lots of activities, no stress. It’s been awesome 🙌

If you’re interested in travel journaling, here are a bunch of notes I’ve written on the topic. #travel #journaling

On This Day in 2016, I completed my goal of Visiting 100 National Parks in 100 Days to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the National Parks System.

I chose to end at Wupatki National Monument, which was one I adored as a small kid—especially the Wukoki ruin. I’ve since completed all 429 park units.

On this day in 2016

I’ve always enjoyed Alex’s monthly end notes, as well as his epic battles against AI scrapers. So he’s my addition for today’s #Junited2024.

with a view of the Superstition Mountains ☀︎ is a handy little microsite that you can insert into a message when you don’t want the recipient to feel pressured to quickly respond. Perfect for commenting via email on personal blog posts!
