I bought a microphone back before the pandemic, with the idea that I wanted to publish a semi-regular audio update on my life for my friends (I’ll write more about that soon). I also wanted to audio-ify select blog posts, mostly for the convenience of others.

Well, I finally gave the latter a (very quick) initial shot. I’m out of town this week, and still need to find a suitable podcast recording app (send me suggestions!), but was able to record a single audio take on my last blog post, entitled I hate telling friends how Iā€™m doing. I hooked up the mic for the first time, opened a voice recorder app, hit the record button and started reading. I didn’t practice reading it aloud first (oh man, I haven’t done this in ages). Had I not been under time pressure, I would have made it better. But after seeing the mic sitting there for too long, I decided I had to post something before I left the house, no matter what it was like.

Anyway, it should be accessible via an audio player here on this post. If it’s not, I’ll have to deal with that later, as I’m off for some sightseeing. I’m still deciding how this should all work, whether it should remain here at rsjon.es, or if I should put it alongside my main blog at rscottjones.com. More info soon.